Type in Hindi in any app in your Macbook

Easily add Hindi keyboard for typing in Hindi in any software in Mac OS X

Nothing compares to the way your message written in your own native language. Often you want to type it that way, but laziness takes over. But, did you know that you can do that now by typing in English and your message gets typed in your script.

There are ways that you can type in your native language using no additional software in Windows, Android and iOS. Here, the steps to type in your language for Mac OS are described.

Open Settings and choose keyboard.

Settings - Mac OS

Keyboard Options - Mac OS

Now, choose the Input Sources tab, and click on the Plus button below the list of input sources:

Input Sources - Keyboard - Mac OS

Now, choose your desired language and you will see multiple options for example under Hindi, you will see three keyboards: Devnagari QWERTY, Hindi and Hindi A to अ. Form this list, select A to अ as shown in the picture:

Select Hindi Keyboard - Mac OS

After clicking on Add button, you will see language switcher in menu bar with the letter A. Clicking on this will show you menu like this:

Switching language - Hindi in Mac OS

After this you can select the option Hindi keyboard. And when you start typing, you will see some suggestions as shown below:

Suggestions - English to Hindi - Mac OS

To select any option, tap the numeric key shown before the converted text, or click using mouse.

So, enjoy typing on your Mac using your native language easily.